Hurricane Ida Update
Well, it’s been five and a half weeks since Ida made landfall in Louisiana. Our mold remediation was completed last week. Currently working from home awaiting the team to come back to take down another wall damaged from a leaking pipe in a demoed 2nd story bathroom.
the three trash piles in front of the house have been picked up by the parish. The grass is starting to come back and the front of the house is finally looking like it’s not a dump site for construction debris.

Third story, above, is completed down to the studs. Grass green wool carpet is no more.
Back of the second story is in a similar state including three bathrooms and a kitchenette.

In the upstairs kitchen, unfortunately the c. 1966 orange cabinets and countertops could not be saved.
Getting callbacks from contractors has been a feat of asking minor miracles. We did finally connect with a roofer who is able to do the job of replacing the roof once insurance finalizes their adjustment. Now on to getting our contractor to discuss the now hyperdrive remodel.
Wallpaper foyer has been postponed indefinitely. Will be rescheduled after all the contractor movement is behind us. Met with our AC person today and he confirmed he can add vents to the third story, so we will have central air on all three floors when all is done.
Miss Vanjie, our travel trailer, is still serving us well as a mini-refuge in the driveway.
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