Hurricane Prep
Ran out to stock up on critical supplies. Bottled water, meat, milk, etc. Whole Foods seemed to have the shortest lines so that was the stop. Like everywhere else they had a run on water, so the only option was flavored seltzer— Grapefruit and Ginger.
Whole Foods is only a few streets over from my favorite antique/consignment shop, so I stopped in before heading over for cold items. I texted Gay for table advice as I was considering several options. She responded that I was channeling Joy who often went antiquing and furniture shopping the day before a major storm was forecasted to hit.
I was particularly on the search for a small side table for the dining room window bay. I found several options but landed on a carved mahogany marble-topped table.

When speaking to one of the owners, it turns out the table came from The Houmas one of the famous plantations along River Road. I was able to fit the top in the car, but the rest of the table will have to wait until after the storm.
I had also been eyeing a painting for a while. Part kitsch; part mid-century whimsical Parisian style. It is signed Maurin and came with an original artist card. It depicts a snowy mill or farm scene with a hanging lantern and the skeletal arm of an old tree. Framed in a striking gilt frame.

Update September 18:
Learned that the artist is Maurin Serpolette. I found a mini impasto painting on eBay by the same artist depicting an artist painting a Parisian couple enjoying themselves at a cafe in the 18th arrondissement, Basilique du Sacré-Cœur atop butte Montmartre in the background. It’s on its way to us as I type.

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